Wednesday, 11 April 2018

4 wines under $20 - Vintages Release Saturday April14th

Hey Fellow Wino's

Spring is here...ok who are we kidding, it's rainy, cool and miserable outside with a chance of freezing rain over the next several days.

Miserable weather = Indoor dinner parties, if possible, by the fireplace with lots of wine.

2015 Viognier, I.G.P. Pays d'Oc (South of France) at $14.95 
This pleasantly floral wine will offer a rich smooth honeycomb/waxy texture to its ripe peaches, mango and applesauce flavors. You should chill and pair with taco's, pulled pork sandwiches or if I was pairing this, Hawaiian pizza! Viognier is famous from Condrieu in the Northern Rhone, and while this wine will not be as complex and well structured, it's great Taco/Pizza wine at a great price!

#SommTrick = The ripe tropical fruit notes in the wine will match, wait for it, tropical fruit.

Syrah or Shiraz, same thing! Well, Shiraz is the term the Aussie's use down-under for their peppered fruit forward wines and the French use the term Syrah, more earth and harmonized fruit with pepper flavors. Shiraz is a loud motorcycle on a quiet neighborhood street and Syrah is like a Porsche on the old streets of Montreal...somehow it just works better. 97% Syrah, 3% Grenache with half aged in large concrete eggs and the other half in French barrels for 9 months. This is not Cote Rotie or Hermitage from the Northern Rhone (best place for Syrah), but for the price, I say turn up the BBQ, toss on some ribs and slurp up some warmth in a glass.

#SommTrick the pepper nuances of the Syrah grape will match the bold, spicy BBQ sauce. 

Fleurie is one the 10 Cru's of Beaujolais and with this being from the legendary 2015 vintage, surely a great deal. What separates basic Beaujolais from one of the 10 Cru's (10 plots of land) is that these wines are more structured (acid, alcohol, body)  and age-worthy than simple generic level Beaujolais. This wine made from the Gamay grape should be violet colored with notes of violets, ripe red fruit and possibly some dark fruit as well. I would pair this with Coq Au Vin or Boeuf Bourguignon and a fireplace, or at a minimum, the fireplace channel on Netflix. 

#SommTrick - Not all red wines should be served at "room temperature" 15C-18C. This wine could be served closer to 15C i.e. a tinge of cool. Side Rant - never serve any wine at 21C or whatever your home temperature is! #15MinFridge 

Piedmont Italy is home to Barolo and Barbaresco, legendary, amazing, long-lived seductive and tannic beautiful wines that can haunt your soul for days. The problem is that those wines come with a price, which leads most people who live in Piedmont to drink Barbera, this one from the town of Asti.  Is this the finest example, no, but Barbera to me is not a show horse, it's a workhorse, as it is the most widely planted varietal in Piedmont. Perfect for a rich northern Italian stew, roast, pasta or pizza...but not a Bianco pizza, surely! 

#SommTrick - 2015 was a hot vintage, so try and see if you can taste the slightly lowered acid in the wine and riper/overripe fruit notes such as plum, soft blackberry, blueberry. 

Browse some classic recipes like Coq Au Vin and plan a romantic meal with you and a loved one over a nice bottle of wine. 

Happy Sipping 


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Vintages, Saturday May 25th, 2019

Hey Fellow Wino's I've got some new picks for you to try out from today's vintages release. 1.  Blue Mountain Gold Label Bru...